jueves, noviembre 06, 2014

william stoner and john williams think about war

1. A war doesn’t merely kill off a few thousand or a few hundred thousand young men. It kills off something in a people that can never be brought back. And if a people goes through enough wars, pretty soon all that’s left is the brute, the creature that we—you and I and others like us—have brought up from the slime.

2. “You must remember what you are and what you have chosen to become, and the significance of what you are doing. There are wars and defeats and victories of the human race that are not military and that are not recorded in the annals of history. Remember that while you're trying to decide what to do.”

--escribe John Williams, en Stoner. Leí la novela hace un año y, porque seguía pensando en ella, quise buscar en el blog cuáles citas había subido. Me sorprendió descubrir que ninguna. Así que por los próximos días, acá estaré poniendo unos cuantos pedazos del proceder del Señor Williams. 

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