domingo, julio 28, 2013

La dificil circunstancia política de la novela; dixit Godzich y Spadaccini.

Tacas de la marca parisina Michel Viven. 
In this respect, it must be noted how complex the position of the novel is: inconceivable without the kind of cultural fragmentation that occurs in this period, it is at once the most adequate expression of the ideological role of the state and its most obvious challenger. In fact, whereas the state can assert its hegemony over the realm of culture through gestures of exclusion from that realm of those elements it wishes to proscribe, the novel by including all the elements of official culture (both the elite and the mass) as well as the excluded elements of unofficial culture, almost by definition engages in the practices we have called popular. The state's claim to totalization proceeded on the basis of exclusion, whereas the novels relied upon inclusion, for unlike the state, the novel was not endangered by inner tensions and contradictions. Yet the search for a homogenizing style, which has dominated the subsequent history of the novel, shows that the novel itself was not immune to these factors and that as its practitioners came to identify themselves more with the goals of the ruling elites, the novel became increasingly part of the elite official culture and abandoned its popular grounds.  

Una vieja cita que me gusta, que tiene mi misma edad, y habla del "double-bind" de la cierto tipo de novela. Wlad Godzich and Nicholas Spadaccini. "Popular culture and Spanish Literary History" en el libro Literature among discourses: The Spanish Golden Age. U of Minessota P: Minneapolis, 1986.

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